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Clinical Advocacy Model
Clinical Advocacy Model
CAM is a modality that provides social workers with an intervention tool (known as H.E.A.L.) for assessing a client's dual needs for social justice and mental healthcare.
Why The Clinical Advocacy Model?
A Clinical Advocacy Exemplar
Anchor 1
What Are Social Workers Saying About Social Justice Work?
Clinical Social Work
E. L. Slater, clinical advocate and author, discusses the qualitative study "Clinical Social Workers' Commitment to Social Justice" from the
Clinical Social Work Journal.
Dr. Michael Reisch, distinguished professor and author, discusses how the absence of clinical social justice education and training impacts social work in private practice.
Dunia Garcia, director at the community navigator program, discusses the importance of social workers connecting with their clients' social justice issues and how that impacts their work.
What Are YOU Thinking About Social Justice Work?
"The field of social work, along with its clients, benefit from private practitioners who continuously prioritize social justice values" (Slater, 2020).
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